What Is Water Baptism and Why is it important?
Baptism at Rock Point Church is symbolic of death, burial and resurrection. It serves as the catalyst for the restoration of spiritual authority that helps equip the believer to live the promised “New Life” in Christ mentioned in Scripture.
Where is Water Baptism found in the Scriptures?
Why Water Baptism should be performed by Immersion?
What ARE the next steps after Water Baptism?
Where is Water Baptism found in the Scriptures?
- New Life in Christ - Romans 6:1-4
- Spiritual Circumcision restoring Spiritual Authority - Colossians 2:11-12
- Clothed with Christ through Baptism - Galatians 3:26
- Everyone should be Baptized to move forward in God - Acts 2:38
Why Water Baptism should be performed by Immersion?
- Rock Point Church adheres to the Greek Word for Baptism which is the Word - (Baptizo):
- all examples of Water Baptism by John the Baptist and the Apostles in the Book of Acts are done by Immersing the individual symbolizing Death, Burial and Resurrection.
- Moses led the People of God through the Red Sea where the Egyptians were drowned and the Israelites were able to move forward without hindrance. This is metaphoric of the Baptism by Immersion for the Believer in the New Testament.
What ARE the next steps after Water Baptism?
- Be Baptized in the Holy Spirit - Acts 1:4
- Get a Bible and Get acquainted with God’s Word - Hebrews 4:12
- Connect with God and People through Church - HebrewS 10:25
- Discover Your God-Given Purpose and Walk It Out - Romans 8:28

Yes! I want to be water baptized!
Baptism Signup Form
The Bible says that all professing Christians should be baptized (Matthew 28:18-20). Whether you've been following Jesus for a long time and never got baptized or are a new Christian, we would be honored to baptize you!
You do not need to sign up ahead of time, as we will always have baptism tank available to you, but if you wish to give us a heads up, please fill out.
You do not need to sign up ahead of time, as we will always have baptism tank available to you, but if you wish to give us a heads up, please fill out.